Why we need to stop disinfecting our homes

Why we need to stop disinfecting our homes

If you grew up in a household anything like mine then you will have been programmed from a very young age to believe that things like bleach, antiseptic and other harsh-smelling disinfectant cleaners are the best way to clean your home.

The problem with this is that chemical disinfectants are designed to kill germs instead of remove them, like soap does, and when you kill germs, the few left behind learn to adapt to disinfectants, eventually becoming superbugs!

These types of cleaners are also extremely toxic, they weaken our immune system and are lung irritants which means they degrade the strength and health of our lungs every time we breathe them in. (This is counterproductive when we need our immune system & lungs to protect us from pathogens).

Many of these chemical cleaners contain ingredients associated with autoimmune disease, hormonal imbalances, cancers, inflammatory disease, impaired development and the list goes on….

Are these really things we want to be exposing ourselves and our children to, unnecessarily?

Yes a healthy home does rely on cleanliness, especially when you have babies or young children around, and during cold and flu season. However we need to re-train ourselves to recognise that just because the house doesn't smell like bleach (like our parents did) doesn't mean it isn't clean.

So how do you remove germs instead of killing them?

Cleaning with a natural soap or cleaner like Cleanz is all you need to remove germs effectively.

For most areas around your home, we recommend Cleanz All Purpose with a microfiber cloth for effective germ removal.

For Bathrooms, toilets & showers we recommend our Bathroom spray. 

A 3% Hydrogen peroxide solution can be used on most stubborn surface stains in place of bleach. Its also effective at removing blood from clothing, sheets and reusable menstrual pads, it is useful for those times when you need to disinfect areas of your home.

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