Why Do Some Fragrances Make Me Feel Like Crap?

30 % of New Zealanders will suffer from a sensitivity to Fragrance



30% Of the New Zealand population (1.3 million of us ) have a Sensitivity to Smell/Fragrance.

Are you one of us?

 It's a real thing, and its called Hyperosmia

For some people, scented products may trigger migraines, breathing difficulties, and even neurological effects.
What happens ?
    1. It involves a nerve in the nasal cavity that processes smell.
    2. Its called the Trigeminal Nerve and it sends sensory info to the brain.
    3. The reaction is caused by the microscopic particles and chemicals the scent emits, which irritate the nerve.
    4. The irritation can trigger congestion, nasal irritation, headaches, migraines, and affect respiratory function.

    Be aware that

    • Most all products that list the ingredient "fragrance" are telling you that it is synthetic.
    • Synthetic fragrance is commonly derived from petrochemicals and made up of 100s of different chemicals
    • Companies are not obliged to disclose the chemical makeup as it can be claimed as a trade secret.

    Sensitivity to synthetic fragrance

    Most people are unaware that a “fragrance” in personal or household products is typically a synthetic chemical mixture of several dozen to several hundred chemicals. Fragranced products emit dozens of different volatile compounds that are then breathed in or that come into contact with the skin or eyes, including some that are considered air pollutants.

    Products containing synthetic fragrances will be most  Skin care - Laundry Detergent - Sunscreens - Dryer Sheets - Fabric Softeners - Rubbish Bags - Household Cleaners -Air Fresheners Car Air Fresheners -Toilet Paper - Fabric Sprays -Tissues - Deodorants - Hair Products - Lipsticks - Dishwashing liquid - Toilet Bowl Fresheners - Floor Cleaners - Pet Shampoos - Scented Candles - Carwash Detergents - Perfumes - Aftershaves - Shampoos - Soaps - Cat Litter

    Sensitivity to essential oils

    In some cases, even essential oils that are normally health-promoting can cause adverse reactions. For those with sensitivities, it would be wise to experiment with a very small sample of oil to test for any reaction. Increasing the amount of exposure if desired. It's also known that certain oils can trigger a reaction whereas others don't.

    1. The Journal of Headache and Pain, Osmophobia in Primary Headache Patients: Associated Symptoms and Response to Preventive Treatments
    2. Advanced Biomedical Research, The Prevalence of Osmophobia in Migranous and Episodic Tension Type Headaches
    3. Preventive Medicine Reports, Health and Societal Effects from Exposure to Fragranced Consumer Products
    4. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, National Prevalence and Effects of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
    5. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Asthma and Odors: The Role of Risk Perception in Asthma Exacerbation
    6. Pain Medicine, Migraine, Osmophobia, and Anxiety
    7. Nutrients, Does Each Menstrual Cycle Elicit a Distinct Effect on Olfactory and Gustatory Perception
    8. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, International Prevalence of Fragrance Sensitivity Current Biology, A Mendelian Trait for Olfactory Sensitivity Affects Odor Experience and Food Selection
    9. Chemical Senses, Influence of Circadian Timing on Olfactory Sensitivity
    10. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, The Role and Mechanism of Action of Menthol in Topical Analgesic Products.

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