Detoxifying Sheets and Clothing

Detoxifying Sheets and Clothing

It might be surprising to some, but the largest organ in our body is our skin.  

Our skin absorbs all matter of elements it comes into contact with; the scientific term for this is  Dermal Absorption. This is when an agent passes through our skin and enters our bloodstream.  

Our skin comes into contact with many agents - both intentionally and unintentionally or completely without thought.

Take our clothes and sheets for example; our clothes are in constant contact with our skin for at least 16 hours per day. The rest of the time, we are in our PJs or tucked beneath the sheets.

So it's pretty important that our clothes and sheets are not harboring harmful toxins that have the potential to enter our bodies.

Clothing and sheets often carry toxins from new.  The smell of new clothing will either be the chemicals the textile has been treated with or a perfumed masking agent.If your clothing tag says wrinkle-free, stain-free, static-free, or the fabric has a strong chemical smell, it has most likely been saturated with formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde, in its many forms, is well documented for its effect of setting off allergies and interfering with the function of the immune system.

So it's logical that we wash new clothes and bedding before use. 

It makes no sense to wash them using traditional laundry powder or liquid, or fabric softener which also has harsh chemicals and also contributes to the load that the body has to deal with. (See our Blog -  Fabric Softeners, “ A slime of chemicals.”)

This is especially the case with sheets. When we sleep, the body should be in its rejuvenation and recovery mode. The kidneys and liver should not have to process toxins from the bedding we are lying in.

But this can all change. We can get rid of these toxins, but it might take several treatments. Here's how.

For new clothes and bedding - hang them out on the line for the day.

The sun and the wind are great partners in this process - it allows the items to gas off.

Turn your clothes inside out to prevent fading.

Then soak them in cold or hot water if appropriate for the fabric - overnight with the following:

  • 1 ½ capfuls of Cleanz Laundry Liquid
  • 2 scoops of Cleanz Oxy-Soak

Once the items have been soaked overnight, machine-wash them.


I ½ capfuls of Cleanz Laundry Liquid and  

One scoop of Oxy Soak,

Then get them back out on the line in the sun and breeze. It can take a few washes to fully get the items clean, especially if fabric softeners have been used - but getting them out in the sun is key. 


Fully detoxed clothes and bedding will not have any fragrance.

Fragrances in Laundry detergents and fabric softeners are largely synthetic, they may seem pleasant, but they are neurotoxins and endocrine disrupting. 

Our Laundry Kit is a good place to start your detoxification journey. 

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