Easy DIY Eco-Friendly Homemade Cleaning Products

Easy DIY Eco-Friendly Homemade Cleaning Products


Our quest to maintain a clean and healthy home leads us to explore homemade cleaning products. These DIY solutions are not only gentle on the environment but can also be kind to your budget, often utilising ingredients already present in your pantry.

Of course, nothing beats a ready-made, non-toxic, and eco-friendly cleaning solution, like theCleanz Multipurpose Cleaning Concentrate. However, sometimes a homemade cleaning product is your last resort if you're in a pinch.

We've curated a collection of ingredients and recipes to address your cleaning requirements. You don’t have to use harsh chemical cleaners as we delve into eco-friendly alternatives.

Why Choose Homemade Cleaning Products?

Choosing ready-made, non-toxic and eco-friendly cleaningproducts is undoubtedly a wise decision, saving both time and money. 

They offer convenience, as there's no need to search, prepare, or blend ingredients from your pantry. They help you keep the items you originally intended for other purposes.

Situations arise where commercial options aren't readily available, and you're reluctant to turn to chemical-laden cleaners. 

Using DIY homemade cleaning products is your next resort, as they offer the following advantages:

Eliminates Exposure to Harsh Chemicals


Common commercial cleaning products often contain harmful chemicals that pose health risks with frequent or excessive use. By embracing homemade replacements, you can reduce exposure to these harsh substances and toxins.

Cost-Friendly Solution

Creating your own cleaning products is cost-effective compared to purchasing chemical-based counterparts. While it might not be the best choice timewise, the essential components are usually stocked in your pantry.

Environmental Friendliness

Chemical-laden cleaning products contribute to environmental problems through air and water pollution. Homemade alternatives, however, are often natural and non-toxic.

Essential Ingredients for DIY Cleaning Recipes

When it comes to concocting eco-friendly cleaning solutions, you might be surprised to find that you likely have some common supplies right at home. 

These items can be used to create effective and environmentally conscious cleaning solutions:

  • White Vinegar: This natural acid doubles as a disinfectant and can be used in various cleaning solutions.
  • Baking soda: Acting as an alkaline scouring agent and deodoriser, baking soda is a powerful addition to your cleaning arsenal.
  • Lemon juice: A natural acid that not only banishes stains but also cuts through grease, leaving behind a refreshing fragrance.
  • Essential oils: These offer more than just a pleasant aroma; depending on the type, they can enhance your homemade cleaning products with extra cleaning properties. You can find safe and natural essential oilshere.
  • Citric acid: Found in citrus fruits, this natural acid proves helpful in removing stains and mineral build-up.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: As a natural disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide can be included in various cleaning solutions.
  • Cornstarch: Used as a natural abrasive, cornstarch comes in handy when dealing with stubborn stains.
  • Dish soap: This gentle cleanser can effectively tidy up various surfaces.
  • Castile soap: A plant-based cleanser made primarily from olive oil, known for its gentle and effective cleaning properties.

By using these basic ingredients, you're well-prepared to craft homemade cleaning solutions that are effective and environmentally friendly.


Natural Kitchen Cleaners

For a spick-and-span kitchen without harming the planet, consider these eco-friendly kitchen cleaning solutions:

Lemon Juice and Baking Soda Cleaner

  • Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with enough lemon juice to create a paste.
  • Apply the paste onto your sink, counters, and appliances, and then scrub with a sponge.
  • Rinse with water and ensure everything is sparkling clean and dry.

White Vinegar Spray Cleaner

  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  • Spritz the mixture onto grease-prone surfaces like stove tops or ovens.
  • After letting it sit for a few minutes, wipe the surface clean with a damp cloth.

Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaner

  • Mix two parts of water with one part of hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle.
  • This blend works wonders for cleaning cutting boards and disinfecting countertops.
  • Let the solution sit for a brief moment before rinsing it off with water.


Bathroom Cleaning Solutions

Tackling bathroom cleaning can often feel like a challenge due to the harsh chemicals and strong scents of cleaners. But don’t worry. Homemade bathroom products can be a good option. Here are a few easy-to-follow recipes:

DIY Toilet Cleaner

  • Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with 1/4 cup of citric acid.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of dish soap and blend until you have a crumbly mixture.
  • Scoop this solution into silicone moulds or ice cube trays and allow it to dry for 4-6 hours.
  • To use, drop one of these cleaning "bombs" into the toilet bowl. Watch it fizz and do its magic before scrubbing with a toilet brush and flushing.

DIY Shower Cleaner

  • Mix 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol, and 1/2 cup of water in a spray bottle.
  • For an added touch of fragrance, introduce a few drops of essential oil.
  • Post-shower, spritz this solution onto shower walls and doors, then effortlessly wipe with a microfiber cloth or sponge.

DIY Grout Cleaner

  • Combine 3/4 cup of baking soda with 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide until a paste forms.
  • Apply this paste to grout lines and let it rest for 5-10 minutes.
  • Use a grout brush or toothbrush to scrub, then rinse with warm water.

Window and Glass Cleaners

When it comes to spotless windows and squeaky glass surfaces the homemade way, your search ends here with these DIY solutions.


Rubbing Alcohol and Water Cleaner

You'll Need:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of rubbing alcohol
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar


Combine all the ingredients in a spray bottle.

Give it a good shake to ensure it blends well.

Spritz the solution onto the glass surface.

Wipe using a lint-free cloth or even a newspaper for a streak-free shine.

White Vinegar and Water Cleaner 

You'll Need:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of white vinegar


Pour the water and white vinegar into a spray bottle.

Shake the bottle well to mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Apply the solution onto the glass surface.

Wipe clean using a cloth or newspaper.

Floor Cleaning Solutions

When it comes to maintaining your floors, there are homemade cleaning solutions you can use.

For Hardwood Floors 

Many people recommend vinegar for cleaning hardwood floors. However, its continual use can diminish the wood's lustre over time. A gentler method is advisable.

  • Fill a 16 oz. spray bottle with two cups of warm water.
  • Add 1 or 2 drops of castile soap.
  • For added fragrance, mix in 3-5 drops of essential oil.
  • Shake the bottle thoroughly.
  • Lightly dampen a microfiber mop.
  • Spray the solution onto small sections of the hardwood floor and mop.
  • Make sure no water remains on the floor and wipe up any excess moisture immediately.

For Tile Floors

To ensure your tile floors stay radiant, consider this recipe: 

  • Mix 1/4 cup of baking soda with 1 gallon of warm water. 
  • Apply it to your floors using a mop. 
  • Let it sit for a few minutes to work its magic before rinsing it with clean water. 

For Laminate Floors

Give your laminate floors some eco-friendly care with water, alcohol, and vinegar. 

  • Combine 1/3 cup of water, 1/3 cup of white vinegar, and 1/3 cup of rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. 
  • Spritz the solution on your laminate floors and gently mop with a microfiber mop.
  • Remember, less is more—avoid using excessive water or harsh chemicals that could lead to damage.

Quick Tips:

  • Use a microfiber mop to minimise the need for excessive water and cleaning solutions.
  • Don’t use abrasive tools and added chemicals, as they can potentially mar the surface of your floors.
  • Regularly sweep or vacuum your floors to prevent dirt and debris from causing scratches.

Laundry Detergent Alternatives

Here are some DIY laundry detergent recipes that not only get the job done but also won't break the bank:

Soap Nuts:

Soap nuts are little powerhouses that are non-toxic and easy on your wallet. They're a superb substitute for detergent loaded with chemicals. 

Liquid Castile Soap:

Liquid Castile soap is a marvel derived from vegetable oil that's completely biodegradable. Mix 1 cup of liquid Castile soap with 1 cup of washing soda and 1 cup of baking soda. For each load of laundry, a mere 1/4 cup of this solution is all it takes.

Best Homemade Cleaning Products

Although DIY cleaning solutions can provide you with a go-to cleaner when the need arises. It’s not as effective and time-efficient as genuine non-toxic and eco-friendly cleaning products. 

Cleanz Multi-Purpose Cleaning Concentrate 


You and your family deserve cleaning products that are natural, safe, and highly effective. 


Crafted from 100% plant and mineral-based ingredients, Cleanz stands as a versatile cleaning concentrate designed for your kitchen, bathroom, and laundry needs. 


Whether it's cleaning fruits, vegetables, tables, floors, or windows, Cleanz ensures no residue of harsh chemicals or unpleasant scents.


Contained within this 1L bottle of Cleanz Concentrate, you'll discover the potential to create:


  • 4 x 500ml of All-Purpose Spray & Wipes
  • 3 x 500ml of Bathroom Cleaners
  • 4 x 500ml of Glass Cleaners
  • 4 x 300ml of Foaming Cleansers
  • 1 x 1L Laundry Bottle, enough for 66 loads


Cleanz Oxy Soak


The Reliable Companion to Cleanz Concentrate for Battling Dirt and Grime



  • Brightens whites and enhances colours
  • Eliminates stains through spot treatment or soaking
  • Sanitizes and eradicates odours



  • Removes soap scum and stains from bathroom tiles, showers, and baths
  • Works alongside Cleanz Bathroom dilution
  • Sanitizes and eliminates odours



  • Sanitizes and rids of stains and odours
  • Effective in germ elimination
  • Discover More Uses and Guidelines in Our User Guide


Our Ingredients are Trustworthy and Transparent:

  • Sodium Per Carbonate
  • Sodium Carbonate (Soda Ash)
  • Free from Harmful Chemicals


Sodium percarbonate decomposes into oxygen and water in the environment.


Sodium carbonate (soda ash) softens water, brightens laundry, and enhances whiteness when combined with sodium percarbonate.


When it comes to cleaning, homemade DIY solutions might seem like the best choice, but there is a better one: Cleanz. 

Cleanz provides natural, safe, and eco-friendly cleaning solutions that not only save you time but also offer more benefits. Unlike homemade solutions, Cleanz Multi-Purpose Cleaning Concentrate covers all your cleaning needs, reducing the hassle of mixing different ingredients for various tasks. 

It's a smart choice that saves you money and keeps your clothes and surfaces safe over time. 

Cleanz Oxy Soak – it's both natural and free from harsh chemicals. 

Why settle for less when you can have effective cleaning with Cleanz products? Make the wise decision today andchoose Cleanz for a cleaner home and a greener planet.

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