Being an indoor Plant Parent can Change your Life - by Siobhan Vermaak, Plant Baby

Being an indoor Plant Parent can Change your Life - by Siobhan Vermaak, Plant Baby

Not only do indoor plants bring a sense of lush freshness to your home, but they are also good for you! Indoor plants do more than just sit pretty on your windowsill - there are heaps of benefits to potting, watering and caring for indoor plants. The
thing is though, (and I'm sure this may be more obvious to some than others), it must be a live plant! A living, breathing, photosynthesising green machine requiring soil, water and air.

From the more dramatic varieties like calatheas who need more titivating, to the
easy-care Zamioculcas Zamiifolia (ZZ plant), the act of caring for indoor plants is
rather therapeutic, some may even suggest, “Good for the soul”. So much so that
researchers have actually used horticultural therapy to increase “good-mood”
feelings of people who experience depression and anxiety.
Indoor plants may also help you recover faster from illness and sharpen your
attention - a 2002 study revealed that sick or recovering participants required less
pain medication and less time in hospital. Student participants were put in a
classroom with a fake plant, a real plant, a photograph of a plant and no plant at all - brain scans later showed that the students who studied with real live plants were shown to concentrate better than the other students. Multiple studies have also shown that plants in your office can boost creativity and productivity - so take an indoor plant to work with you today!

Last but certainly not least, plants improve your indoor air quality. A NASA study
back in the 80’s shows that many indoor plant varieties can reduce airborne volatile compounds. Indoor varieties such as Spider plants, Peace lilies, Rubber plants and Ferns are all good for this. The more the merrier I say.

I can tell you all the reasons why you should get yourself some indoor plants. These reasons above are supposed to sell it to you, but honestly, you will really never know what a joy it is to be surrounded by lush, green plant babies until you’ve tried it!

There are many beautiful indoor plant varieties, some more tricky to keep alive than others, so start easy and move to the next. Plants such as the Monstera Deliciosa, the Snake plant and Philodendron varieties are all good for beginners. Grow your collection slowly, learn what your new indoor plant likes and what it doesn’t, and join your local plant group for tips and tricks. Familiarise yourself with indoor plant pots, check their sizing to make sure your nursery pots fit snugly inside, and find a high-quality soil for repotting purposes. It makes a huge difference. A good leaf spray and shine is also well worth it. You want to keep your leaves dust free to maximise the photosynthesis process.

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